Programs we Offer

CASA Curriculum (3-6 years)

The Montessori approach allows children to unfold their potential at their own pace, granting them the freedom to explore subjects of personal interest. Our Montessori certified teachers guide them in the development of practical life, sensorial, language, and math skills. Additionally, their education encompasses geography, science, art, Sanskrit, Marathi, and music. Outdoor play is encouraged to provide ample opportunities for exploration and physical activity.

In this philosophy children aged three to six collaboratively form a community. Here, they learn essential social skills such as sharing, patience, task completion, self-clean-up, and mutual assistance. Younger students benefit from the mentorship of older students, fostering a dynamic learning environment where children choose to work independently or with peers, cultivating respect for each other's space and individual rights.

Children's development is guided in the following areas:
Practical Life is a robust area emphasizing skills in self-care, environmental responsibility, and interpersonal courtesy. From tying shoes to expressing gratitude, children develop concentration, coordination, order, and independence. Tasks like sweeping and using tweezers contribute to their self-confidence.

Sensorial: Sensorial materials engage all five senses, fostering exploration. Activities include smelling spices, classifying textures, matching sounds, and ordering objects by size. This work enhances small muscle coordination essential for writing.

Math: Concrete materials enable children to grasp quantity and conceptualize mathematical operations. Starting from recognizing numbers, they progress to understanding place value and mastering addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Dr. Maria Montessori believed in unlocking the inherent mathematical minds of children, allowing them to comprehend patterns and quantities.

Language: The Montessori classroom provides an enriching language environment for children aged three to six. Through various activities, they develop a robust vocabulary, learning geography, science, and geometric shapes. Sandpaper letters and phonetic sound exercises pave the way for reading and writing.

Cultural Areas and the Arts:Montessori School celebrates cultural diversity through geography, science, music, and art. Globes, puzzle maps, and engaging activities introduce children to various cultures, and music serves as a unifying force, fostering a sense of community as we explore and learn together.