
Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]

What is the exact Eligibility Criteria for Anubhuti Bal Nekatan June 2024 session?

  • Children between the ages of 2.8 years and 5.6 years (December 2018- August 2021) will be eligible for the academic session starting in June 2024.

Is Transportation provided for students?

  • We regret to inform you that transportation services will not be provided. Parents are kindly requested to drop-off and pick up their child from school to ensure the safety of all students.

Do we provide Meals to the children?

  • Yes, we will provide freshly made snacks, ensuring they are wholesome and nutritious.

Who should attend the School Tour?

  • Both parents are encouraged to attend if applicable and possible. The initial tour is designed for parents only, while the child will have a chance to visit the classroom and meet the guide at a later date.

Is there Sibling Preference?

  • Yes, sibling preference is considered.

Can I drop by at any time for a school tour?

  • Due to high interest in our program, school tours are by appointment only. To schedule a tour, kindly contact us in advance by calling or messaging (+919422772686). We are also available to address your queries over the phone or via email.

What will be the Daily Schedule?

  • 8:50 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Drop off
  • 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 3- hour work cycle
  • 12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. Gathering time
  • 12:30 p.m.- Dispersal