
Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]

What should I look for in a Montessori School?

  • Mixed Age group learning
  • Structured work time in the given 3-hour work period
  • Didactic materials

What are Didactic materials?

  • The Didactic material has characteristics of self-correction and auto-education.

How is Montessori different from traditional education?

  • Montessori education differs by promoting self-directed learning, hands-on materials, mixed-age group, and an emphasis on individual progress rather than centralised classrooms and standardised assessments.

Will exams be conducted?

  • There will be no exams. In alignment with Montessori philosophy, teachers will document a child's progress through continuous observations and checklists instead of relying on formal assessments.

Do you offer any extracurricular activities?

  • While our primary focus is on the Montessori curriculum, we will offer age-appropriate extracurricular activities to enhance the overall learning experience for the children.

Are Montessori children successful later in life?

  • Research and studies show that Montessori children are well prepared for later life academically, socially and emotionally. In addition to scoring well on standardised tests, Montessori children are ranked above average on such criteria as following directions, turning in work on time, listening attentively, showing responsibility, asking in-depth questions, showing enthusiasm for learning and adapting to new situations.

Are Montessori Schools as academically challenging as traditional schools?

  • Yes, Montessori classrooms prioritize deep understanding of academic concepts over memorization of abstract techniques. This approach enables children to apply these concepts across various subjects, fostering a comprehensive and versatile understanding.

Why Montessori Classrooms don't look like regular classrooms?

  • Montessori classrooms have a scientific setup that reflects the method's uniqueness from conventional education. Unlike traditional classrooms with rows of desks and a central teacher, Montessori places the child at the center. Children work at tables or on floor mats, and the teacher moves around, providing guidance and addressing needs as they arise.

Isn't Montessori just a preschool?

  • While Montessori schools are well-known for their preschool programs, the Montessori method extends to high school education, offering a comprehensive educational approach for students of various age groups.

If children are free to choose their own work, how do you ensure that they receive a well- rounded education?

  • Montessori children have freedom within limits, with responsibility matching their capacity. Teachers guide each child's progress in all areas, using the child's interests to connect them with diverse academic subjects. This ensures a well-rounded education tailored to each child's development.